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Let Your Intuition Move You

Writer's picture: SueSue

We all like different things in life. We each have different tastes in food, music, movies, etc. Our unique likes and dislikes reflect who we are on a soulful level. So when it comes to working out, why would it be any different?

Have you ever gotten on the treadmill but totally dreaded the experience? Maybe you signed up for a yoga class and wished you were somewhere else? This isn't knocking the treadmill or the yoga class. In the right moment, these experiences make some people feel amazing, alive, energized, and/or fulfilled. It doesn't mean it's better or worse than any type of workout experience. It might just mean that deep down it's not what your soul wants to do at that time.

I entered a lottery to run a half marathon out of town last year. I had run this race before and really enjoyed it...but this year, I felt "meh" about it. I had gotten in the previous two years so I figured my luck would run out and I wouldn't get in. I just wanted to go on the trip, cheer on my friends running the race, and enjoy myself. A few months later I got the email on lottery day that I got in. I had an immediate pit in my stomach. Yuck. I didn't want to race.

That pit down there...that was my intuition talking to me. Some people feel it in their stomach, some get a feeling in their heart-space or chest, sometimes it's a little voice you hear and you don't know where the heck it's coming from. Anyway, mine said "you don't want to train for this, you don't want to run this". But I got in the race. My credit card was being charged the fee. I felt like I had I started training. I dreaded it. I usually love running and I found every excuse to not run over the next few weeks. When I did run, my legs felt heavy or my stomach would hurt. I felt like I was missing out on things at home. I tried to push through because I felt like I had to. O wanted to prove I could run another half marathon again. That was my ego talking. Amazingly enough, the race eventually got cancelled and I felt totally relieved.

My intuition was talking loud and clear. My brain, body, and soul did not want to race. Reflecting back, it seems so clear, but at the time I just pushed through. It was a rather miserable time. I'm done signing up for races this year. Now when I go for a run, it's because I want to and I feel called to it. Those runs have felt soooo good. I don't track my distance or my time and I don't care. I run until I feel like I'm ready to be done. Those are my intuitive runs. When I finish I feel really peaceful and complete.

Quite often I don't feel like running, but I do want to move in some capacity. Movement is so good for the human body. Movement strengthens your muscles, bones, connective tissue, and heart. The days I don't exercise I feel so rigid and stiff. When I take the time to stretch or move, my whole body begins to feel fluid and flowy again.

Sometimes I go for a walk, ride my bike around my neighborhood, take a virtual yoga class, play tag with my kids, or put music on and dance.

When you do what you love, you are in the groove; in the flow. You lose track of time because you are truly in the moment and enjoying the experience. That is letting your ego take a seat in the back and let your intuition take over the wheel. Your intuition doesn't care what anyone else thinks. It cares about what is best for YOU.

Why not give it a go? Let's check in with your intuition today.

Find a seat. Take a few deep breaths. Deep breaths in. Long breaths out. Soften your belly. Relax your shoulders. Imagine a clear space. See yourself here. Ask yourself, "How do I want to move today? What would make me feel good?".

What do you see yourself doing? That's your intuition talking to you, showing you what your soul wants to do. If nothing comes up, that is totally OK too. It takes time to clear through the clutter of our ego and thinking mind and connect to deep within. The more you practice this, the more things will start to become clear.

When you have been shown what to do, thank your inner guide. Thank yourself for taking the time to tune in. Then carve out time for yourself in your day to do it!

There are so many ways you can bring intentional movement into your day that reflects who you are and what your soul really wants to do. Give yourself permission to let go of "I should workout today" or "I have to get this run in" and do an activity that brings you joy instead. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you.

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